Neighborhood Councils are the closest form of government to the people. They are advisory bodies, who advocate for their communities with City Hall on important issues like development, homelessness, and emergency preparedness. Neighborhood Councils are part of the Los Angeles City government, and have annual budgets funded by taxpayer dollars. Neighborhood Council board members are City officials who are elected by the members of their local communities, but they donate their time as volunteers. There are currently 99 Neighborhood Councils in Los Angeles, each serving about 40,000 people. ...

Each fiscal year, every Neighborhood Council is allocated a fixed amount of annual budget by the City Council (the City's fiscal year begins July 1 and ends on June 30 the following year). As of the current fiscal year, this amount is $32,000 per Neighborhood Council. 

Some Neighborhood Councils have additional funding. These come from unspent funds rolled over from the previous fiscal year (up to $10,000), and/or from City Council actions allowing fund re-appropriations. For more information about the Neighborhood Council Funding Program, visit the City Clerk's website.

Each Neighborhood Council has access to allocated funds through purchasing cards and/or by submitting payment requests for approval. Regulations and policies regarding expenditures are provided at the City Clerk's website. Each month, the Office of the City Clerk sends detailed transaction reports of Neighborhood Council expenditures to the Controller's Office. 

The map on the left below visualizes the latest total monthly expenditures of each Neighborhood Council. 

The map on the right below shows the cumulative expenditures for the current fiscal year. 

Hover and click on Neighborhood Council districts, to view spending for the previous two fiscal years and year-to-year change.

Expenditure Map

Expenditure Transaction Details

The visualizations above are drawn from the dataset below that includes every transaction (both by check and by purchasing card) of each Neighborhood Council. The dataset is updated monthly. 

The whole dataset can be downloaded and queried on the Control Panel LA website

Financial Status Report

The Financial Status Report (FSR) is a monthly report listing each Neighborhood Council's total budget in the current fiscal year and cumulative expenditures. The Budget Allocations are equal for all Neighborhood Councils. The Rollovers are unexpended funds from the prior year. Check Expenditures are those made via checks, Outstanding Commitments are unpaid pledges and PCard Expenditures are those made via a City purchasing card.

In addition to submitting the FSR to the Controller's office every month, the City Clerk maintains a public dashboard illustrating Neighborhood Councils' budgets and expenses. The figures above reflect only expenditures to the last day of the previous month, the City Clerk's dashboard draws data from the live up-to-date Neighborhood Council Funding System portal.

Annual Expenditure Chart

Annual spending change of each Neighborhood Council in Fiscal Years 2021 to 2024. 

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